Thursday, November 29, 2007

I am a planner & a list person too

This weekend is fully planned out.

Friday will consist of the following:

1. Eldest child's school for observation/review
2. Local mall for photo op with Santa
3. Some sort of outdoor activity for exercise
4. Movies

Saturday will look like this:

1. Skating lessons (2 hours in a flipping cold arena!)
2. Outdoor play
3. Arts & Crafts or any other kind of activity to keep the little ones busy

Sunday plays out like this:

1. Swimming lessons
2. Return dog to in-laws (thank heaven!)
3. Go Christmas tree cutting with his side of the family
4. Pot-luck dinner to follow

There's my weekend everyone!

Hope you enjoy yours!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

You know I was just saying to my husband last week, "They really should teach the kids about the importance of recycling and reducing our carbon footprint" and low-and-behold my eldest comes home from school chanting, "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". I was so proud, let me tell you.

We are pretty eco-friendly at our house:
- we use environmental bags for all of our shopping
- we have energy star appliances and line dry our clothing whenever possible
- we keep the thermostat low for winter & higher in the summer
- we use CFL lightbulbs
- we always turn off lights when we are not in the room (except for the hall light at night-time)
- we don't let the water run unnecessarily
- we recycle
- my kids eat litterless school snacks/lunches
- we compost
- we walk whenever possible
... well, you get the idea.

If it were up to me, we would live (virtually) off the grid.
I am still "bugging" my husband for a vermicomposter but he thinks it's gross and I would love to have solar panels on our house to handle any of our energy needs as well as rain barrels. Did you ever wonder, "Who would get excited about a rain barrel?" well, yes, it's me.

So to all of you who share my passion for reducing negative effects on the environment -- Cheers!

Renewably yours,


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus...

So there we are, all four of us, squished up with a bunch of other people at the side of the road.
We dressed for the weather, or so we thought, but we were all still cold. My husband said he was cold first... let me just tell you, this is unheard of - my husband is never cold (or at least never admits it).

We were waiting there at 2 pm near the end of the parade route, shivering. Shortly after 4 pm the jolly, red guy finally appeared but by this time the kids were not as excited as I thought they'd be... our youngest said, "Can we go home now?". We couldn't help but giggle.

It was supposed to be my husband's day off but he went in again. Oh, I forgot, I haven't even told you very much (if anything) about him. He works at a golf course as the Clubhouse Manager... he loves his job, sometimes I think too much but he's a sweet lovable guy so we keep him around.

We have an interesting history... but as the Hammy Hamster show used to say, "but that's another story" so I'll get into that in another post.

So, here we are, kids didn't have a nap today so they are slightly cranky and the hubby took off from the parade to go to work...leaving me with the little darlings to feed a late dinner and get ready for bed.

Tonight, I have Christmas card writing to do -- quite possibly accompanied by a little Drambuie...we'll see. That would certainly make my Christmas cards more entertaining to read!

So for all of you who stood out in the freezing cold to see the jolly ol' guy this year...I sympathize but it's so worth it for our kids; like so many other things we do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis!

Fellow parents, I salute you.




Thursday, November 22, 2007

Snow, snow, snow

It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow....

Well, this year November 22nd was our first day of snowfall. The kids are ecstatic!
There is barely anything on the ground this morning and my eldest says "Can I make a snow angel??"

Walking back from school, the precipitation turned to the pelting ice variety (that was fun) and my little one says "I think we should use the car next time" to which I responded "Hey, we're tough Canadians, this is nothing". Good times.

I had a fantastic evening out with my best friend last night; she truly is a wonderful person.
I really appreciate her friendship over the last 20 some odd years. I don't have any siblings and I have always told her that she is the sister that I never had.

So today, in the spirit of our American neighbours, I want to give thanks for my best friend -- she's the greatest!



Thursday, November 15, 2007

Favourite Blog

My most favourite is one called Getting Oregonized... this lady rocks! You must check it out!

Want an entertaining giggle...this is the place.

Okay, so here I am...

Were you wondering what happened to me? Life, that's what happened.

As any busy mother of two will tell you, your own personal life and things that you want to do sometimes get put on the backburner!

So, yesterday my eldest is screaming because of an earache and my youngest doesn't want to be somehow overlooked and invents a sudden say the least I was having a "Calgon, take me away!" afternoon.

Here I am today, looking at piles of laundry and virtually no interest in doing it.

I already volunteer at both kids schools, am trying to get two different businesses up and running to bring in some extra money, and also trying to get into shape....does anyone know where they sell more time to add to my day???

I have now been requested/volunteered to assist with a local hospital function for can you say no?!

Even as I write this list I'm feeling anxious! Anyway, just wanted anyone out there (who might be reading this) know that I'm still here...just crazy busy!!

I'll update you further, when I get a moment :)



Thursday, November 1, 2007

Inaugral posting

Hello All!

Welcome to my blog!

I am here to post random thoughts and hope you will enjoy reading them.

