Saturday, December 8, 2007

Today the sweet & spicy smell of gingerbread will fill the air...

of our home.

The kids are really looking forward to making gingerbread cut-outs and watching them bake in the oven.

I have such fond memories of doing the same when I was a young girl in my Mom's kitchen.

There is something so wonderful and comforting in baking; especially when it's a mother with her children.

I always find the decorating part the most interesting; to see how many candies make it to the gingerbread and not into the mouths of my children!

We decorated the tree last week with 'White Christmas' playing on tv (a family tradition that I've carried on). The kids truly love this movie as much as I makes my heart melt just thinking of it.

The only issue with the tree is that the decorating is never "fully" complete...the kids have this irresistable urge to keep rearranging the ornaments - luckily, only one has suffered damage.

I can still clearly remember the magic in the air you feel as a child at this time of year (truth be told, I think I still have it just as strong).

I love the holidays and everything it represents: family, love, compassion, giving...
If only we all lived every day like this.

Hope you are all planning on enjoying a holiday season filled with friends, family & fun!

Have a great weekend!

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